Monday, September 3, 2012


Guys, let me just say, everything has a purpose.

This day has just been crazy for me.  Yet, it's typical Lindsi.  I forget things and have to pay the price for it; sometimes it's small, sometimes it's huge.  Before I moved to college, I made the mistake of accidentally deleting all of my pictures off my iPod because I forgot that you had to sync it to the original computer before you sync it to a new one, great going Linds...

Today, I was out of town, down at St. George at my grandpa's house, spending time with my family and grandparents.  I have an ID card for college, which allows me to access my dorm room and my bedroom and my meal plan; so without this card, I'm doomed.  Well, guess what I lost today?
Yep, my ID card.

I don't know why it frustrated me so much, but I just couldn't handle the thought that yet, another thing, had gone wrong.  Such a simple, stupid mistake.  It makes me wonder what will happen when I mess up something that actually matters and influences my future?  Maybe this is why I haven't had a real, quote on quote, relationship yet.

I'm not really sure, all I know is I learned a lesson today.  God truly has a plan for all of us.  We are supposed to go through mistakes and sometimes learn the hard way.  Things happen sometimes and we just need to let it go and let it influence us and make it apart of our lives.  I wish I had some pictures to put on here, but I was just doing homework and I wanted to post something today; so no pictures, I'm sorry.

But there is something to look forward to and appreciate in every day.  I spent time with my roommate was we drove back to St. George trying to look around town for my ID card, I saw a outrageously beautiful sunset, I have the ability to be going to college and learning great things.  The good definitely out weights the bad, even if it feels like, in the moment, hopeless.

Everything has a purpose; life is about living that purpose.

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